Benefits of switching to an EcoWax
Surfing is an incredible sport that allows individuals to connect with the ocean and the environment. However, the impact of surf wax on the environment cannot be ignored. Traditional surf...
Benefits of switching to an EcoWax
Surfing is an incredible sport that allows individuals to connect with the ocean and the environment. However, the impact of surf wax on the environment cannot be ignored. Traditional surf...
Devil in the detail. The truth about Soy Wax. S...
The production process of soy wax precludes it from the organic label. The nickel-catalyzed hydrogenation reaction that converts the soyoil to a wax makes the resulting wax non-organic.
Devil in the detail. The truth about Soy Wax. S...
The production process of soy wax precludes it from the organic label. The nickel-catalyzed hydrogenation reaction that converts the soyoil to a wax makes the resulting wax non-organic.
How Toxic is Your Surf Wax?
How toxic is your surf wax? Surfing may seem like a carefree pastime, but it's actually deeply connected to the health of our planet. Surf wax is the hidden danger...
How Toxic is Your Surf Wax?
How toxic is your surf wax? Surfing may seem like a carefree pastime, but it's actually deeply connected to the health of our planet. Surf wax is the hidden danger...